Mother's Day

What do I want for Mother's Day?

* 1 new outfit for myself

* A sleep in - someone else handles baby's breakfast lunch dinner

* A massage

* Glass containers

* Tupperware

* Day without kids - lol


You know you are a mom when... happen to have a rarity of time & energy, you...

* Trying new recipe

* Cooking bathes for freezer

Baby Plan


1)  Increase or Encourage for Veggies type of food

- make your own chips
- make your own sweet potato chips


- cook celery
- cook corn

2) Wednesday (tomorrow) will be a good test - avoid crackers.  Pick up early. 
Give a snackbox of hummus, celery, breadsticks, sweet potato chips

3) Yoghurt pouch + veggies or fruits

4) In the meantime - start the normal food -  rice, porridge, noodle
chicken, little pieces of veggies into the porridge

Brushing Teeth

Brush each others teeth

Bedtime Routine

Start one

Figuring out toddlerhood

No matter what happens.

Through lifes ups and downs, you are with your child. "Be with" its a very powerful concept.

Basically it means, I am ready to contain / accept you, through ups and downs, including your big emotions. I will accept it in as non-judgmental as possible.

Finding the right balance, that you are not dictating your child on how she "should" feel (such as you are okay)- but merely acknowledging her feelings as she is going through it. Let her figure out whether she is okay or not.

Believe figuring out emotions is also child-led, internally you cannot teach it, because you are never your child, you never know how it really works. Some child are more sensitive than others, some takes longer to go through their emotions than others.

Having confidence that your child can work through things, letting her have a go, give her as much autonomous as possible. But always be with her, and give her the options.


Another important concept is - it is all about what you genuinely think of your child. If you think she is beautiful, your words, expression, responses will reflect that. Toddlers recognises fake emotions from miles away. Be authentic and be authentically happy about you, your life, and it will radiates to your child. Your child copies you, not only physically but also emotionally.


Now the other side of the coin. The coin that does not come naturally for me - is the discipline part.

Discipline means teaching.

It is part of your role to also teach your child to their age-appropriate boundaries.

Recognise that toddlers have strong impulses, to push boundaries. It is healthy.

There is a choice of either - change the environment, or teach your child.   Wherever possible, change the environment. But when it is not possible, then teach your child.

Try to be as consistent as possible with your teachings.

Ode to my Baby (toddler)

I'd like to use this opportunity to write something positive

to balance the not so great  / work in progress part of my life

* * *

I am bursting with love for my baby

I admit, I am not the perfect mother

There are times I am too tired to be organised for the day, and just wing it

There are times where I give food that I think may be a few days old, but still look and taste ok, then I feel guilty and discard it as she was eating it

There are times I am too tired to give solids, I end up breastfeeding her instead

There are times where I choose sleep over  cooking,  as I need my brain to work for pressing business matters

But god damn I try

I try to be the best mother I can
I try to be the best wife I can
I try to balance this family altogether

* * *

For my husband

It is not one way street

I share his burden in business

I read those unpleasant emails,  I am the bucket to let him whinge / pour his emotional reactions,  I intervene and jump in during important moments to call / meet / solve problems when it counts

I adjust my day (readjust baby schedule) so that I can be there for him

I pick him up when he is down (I am not very good at this, I usually reprimand and ask him to toughen up, even though what he needs more is comfort and safe space)

 * **

I love spending time with my baby

I love changing her

I love breakfast time

I love it when I have the energy

16 months - Alexis

* Parental habits to develop

- Reading books - improve our love with books
- Topics introduction (see below)
- Stacking games


Topics to introduce

Numbers  - Wall
Body Parts  - Song
Animals  - Real items
Colors  - Balls


* Bath time

1 container to contain all toys
bottle with holes
drainer bowl


* Temperament prohibits structured plays / teachings

Make her feel that she is the teacher / doer
Constant consistent environment will get her to know things


* Feeding time

Cater for her mood swings
Feed her when she is hungry
Constant snacks make her not hungry for lunch or dinner



1 container to contain all toys
Broom & Pan for Alexis to play with
Super glue