My life for when baby is 20 weeks


Baby Starting Solid

I am quite excited already, the machine is ready!!
Read more about it
Good coining for me eating veggies too


Baby Skincare

Moisturise moisturise moisturise
Steroid cream
Careful placement of bandage / protective wearing
Adhesive removal care
Bib, dry, pat pat

+ record keeping


My Physio

Inner parts of my quad need strengthening
Butt muscle need strengthening too
Stomach muscle need strengthening too


My Diet

Still working on how do I get that 41 points
Seems so hard!
But its not impossible
I can do it


Alexis's Behavior and Observation (5 months)

What she loves

Alexis gets very excited seeing things in the air

-- she gets 'seru banget' - her eyes lit up, she moves a lot in large and fast motion
-- she follows the object
-- when she is sort of done, she is in the brace position 'hands put together'  so cute
--  she does not necessarily want to grab them (at this stage)

Alexis loves to get involved in people's conversations

Alexis always smiles to strangers / whoever that make contact with her, she has this friendly demeanor

Alexis seems to be quite patient too

Alexis gives that brief, polite smile when parents get excited and want a reaction from her

Alexis can get serious, when being offered a gadget board, where her hands try to spin things

Alexis loves sitting - she has that 'proud look' in her face

Alexis loves tummy time - she has that 'excited' look in her face

Alexis loves the Combi high chair position - she look very happy

Alexis loves the scrunched up noisy pillow plastic cover

Alexis is happy in the changing table

Alexis loves to touch left and right, whilst on changing table

Alexis behaves well in the pram, she does not sleep though

Alexis likes to show off sometimes, doing her moves in front of us

Alexis is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!


What she does not like

-- Too much things put on her face
-- Being physically constrained
-- When she gets bored
-- We are not listening to what she wants - e.g. hungry, want to be picked up, bored

