Dropped to 1 nap!

Within the last week,

She wakes up around 6:30am

Her nap times are ranging between

She sleeps about 7pm-8:30pm, and wakes up at 6-7am

12 months of my beautiful daughter

How my baby daughter, at 12 months of age (or even younger, 10-12 months) would lean her head against me, hug me, kiss me

How every morning when she wakes up (she usually wakes up first) she would crawl and lie her head against mine

How when she hugs me, she would lean her head against me

How she would kiss me when we are close, and its often just because she wants to

I feel absolutely loved when daddy and baby both kissed me at the same time this morning

Moments like this makes me feel so happy, so special

My Current Routine (12 months old)

My routine has changed!  Since three days ago
It feels like it has been awhile since I wrote a reflection about my life
Really dont know what happened the last four weeks

Did not really get to sit down, reflect, and breathe
Did not even talk to Jack until a week after Melbourne trip

* * *

Bub wakes up 6-6:30am

Parents are too sleepy and normally don't really attend until 6:30am

Breakfast by 7:15-8am

Finish breakfast by 8:30am

Milk on demand at 9:30-10:30am - if she has full breakfast maybe not milk

Nap is not until 10:30am - 11am, so either stay at home or go out and back by 11am

Nap until 1-2pm (1.5-3 hours)

Lunch is 1-2pm straight after nap

Then normally we go out, and it is a good stretch now we can go out

Then don't nap again until 7-8:30pm

Milk on demand at 5-6pm or if we have dinner early for bub, milk is not until 7-8pm

Putting Alexis to sleep

I had the loveliest time with Alexis

It is 11am, so definitely her nap time

She was in her star sleeping bag already
But she still moves around quite actively
So I put her in the cot

And she pulls herself up, standing against the cot rail
She is smiling and giggling
Knowing at this rate she won't be sleeping
I pick her up and hold her in my arms

I gently sshhhing her to sleep
Her eyes are looking tired and she is getting there
She decides to do the occassional jerking, whilst giggling
Then I blow her tummy and she is shrieking in delight

Then I gently ssshhing her to sleep again
Do this 3-4 times and then i find her very sweetly fell asleep in my arms
Dummy came off

And I place her gently in the cot
and she continues on sleeping

I was in a pretty good mood
and i think she would have got my positivities and be in good mood too

its great