Power of online community

I posted the below out of frustration to the Facebook online community.  I was basically overwhelmed by the sheer of work and grind from feeding a dependant:

I just need a place to vent
I am so overwhelmed with solids feeding that I find myself end up skipping meals on her - rather than feed her 3x a day I only fed her twice or once a day.
I get So anxious and tired, sometimes I can't even get up from bed out of exhaustion.
Baby is 8.5 months old, love her to bits and I obviously need to feed her 3 meals a day. We give her mashed food, finger foods, food packet, etc.
But everytime I feed her, this is the grind:
-Put baby down to floor for her to play
-Get food ready
-Put them in baby tray / make sure temperature OK etc
-Get the baby
-Put a bib on her
-Put an apron on her
-Once done with eating, wipe her hands & mouth
-Clean her & change her
-Skincare her - wipe face with warm water towel (its winter), moisturise, barrier cream (my baby has eczema), replace bandage to any broken skin
-Wipe chair
-Wipe floor / replace floor newspaper
-Wash apron/bib
-Wash her clothes, multiple times to get stain off
-Wash my clothes
I know millions of other moms do this, but I just want to complain it is such a task every time! How do other moms do it and keep it consistent???
Right now bub is 8.5 months, so her primary source is still milk.
Underlying problem is - I have arthritism, joint pain everywhere and my hands are often sore to do tasks like this. Battling with baby is the most physically and tiring part.
Apart from husband (who works full time), I got no one to help me.
Preparing food is one whole lot of other thing! Currently I use food packets, I am learning to cook new meals every week I want to give my baby better food soon.
Anyone has tips and tricks just to make it easier? I cannot strip her with no clothes as its winter & she cries if I wipe her body, I would rather wash her clothes afterwards - rather than fighting to clean her body every time.
The point is - sometimes this gets so overwhelming that I end up skipping meal for my baby. I feel guilty afterwards. Now I feel so upset about myself, I promise I will do better tomorrow!

I received over 100 responses and they are all so supportive and soo nice!   I found tips and tricks to improve and basically 3 weeks later, I am used to it :) 

Happy First Mothers Day

Dear Alexis,

Its been an absolute pleasure being your mother

I treasure every moments I get to hold you in my arms, every day

We sway to the left and right, we sing, we dance, we look at each other in the mirror a lot

* * * 

Putting you to sleep is another favorite moment of mine

Seeing your beautiful little face, beautiful little lashes, beautiful little mouth

That is when I whisper to you, I love you

* * * 

I love to hold you at every chance that I get,  as much as my physical being allows me to

Because I know these moments don't last forever

You will grow too big, too heavy to be in my arms

 * * * 

Dear Alexis

You made me laugh out loud every day

Your little antics, your hilarious expressions, voices, movements 

The new things that you came up with every day, never cease to amaze me

* * * 

Even though I am generally not that funny of a person

But I do all I can to make you laugh 

Blow into your belly, 'surprise kiss' you everyday

Making funny expressions just to get you to smile

I love it when I succeed

* * * 

Feeding you is another favorite moment of mine

Even though I spent a lot of those times cleaning your face and putting cream on you

You give me that look that you don't like it, but you still let me (sometimes)

Sometimes I don't have to do it, so I get to relax and just play with you

The smiles that we exchanges with each other

I love it so much I don't want those to end

* * * 

Changing nappies have been really fun too

We get to find out what is 'hiding' under those nappy

Is it O Xi Xi or is it O Liu Liu?

Your dad is such a drama queen, he scream the house down every time its O Xi Xi
Seeing you grow on that changing table has been amazing

Your size, your vocals, your moves

The moment you grab those nappies, wipes, jiggle the keyboard, and kick off the sudocream

That is when I realised you have really grown up

* * * 

For now, I have all the luxuries in the world

I don't have to worry about disciplining you as you are still a little baby

I don't have to be the 'parent' - I am just "there" for you

I can kiss you, hug you, as much as I like, as you are not protesting yet

I don't have to worry about work, money and real life worries

I can be fully present for you

I really treasure this window of time 

* * * 

I know this relationship will evolve as we grow older

I don't know what it will be like in the future

But I know one thing won't change

That I will love you forever

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